24 May, 2020 at 17.00 (Sun.)
Lecturer PhD Budovsky Alexander
For details, contact us by phone number +79811397821 Zarina (Viber&WhatsApp). budovskydoctor@mail.ru
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About Webinar:
The occlusion correction technique in the form of grinding the deflective contacts is one of the most common in dentistry. It is carried out by dentists of all specializations.
There is no single answer to a number of essential questions!
- What is the interference contact?
- Do deflective contacts cause bruxism? Or does they cause muscle hypertonicity?
- Where to grind? Should one deep a tubercule, fissure of the tooth or its antagonist?
- Is there a need to add some material?
- What to do in the case there are upper and lower fixed complete prosthesis on implants?
- Can grinding be carried out for children and does fissure sealing lead to development of problems in adulthood?
All 3 hours of webinar are dedicated to addressing the issues related to the most common and important questions.
Webinar Program:
- Static occlusion — what the role of morphological parts of the occlusal surface? What are they responsible for?
- The principles of model analysis — geometric calculation or differential choice between grinding, prosthetics and orthodontics;
- Fast occlusal diagnostics — methods for occlusion control. A serial protocol;
- Tools for selective grinding: burs, polishes. Rules and order of use;
- How to increase the contact density with the composite? Correction of missing contacts on ceramic restorations;
- Mouthguards correction as a part of splint therapy and treatment technique.
Participation fee is USD 50